How to become rich It is difficult in this area to give a specific plan to follow them, but the owners of huge capital give tips or rules for those who wish to follow them, including: The richest man in Saudi Arabia gave the advice that "if you do something, you have to do it with mastery or not." This advice was mentioned in the hadeeth of our Noble Messenger, "Allaah loves if one of you does a job that you can do." You will not be that important person as long as you do not believe in your abilities, this advice was from Oprah Winfrey, the most famous announcer in the world. Michael Dell, owner of the famous computer company believes that the accreditation is always on the product that the person to provide and the quality and suitability to the public. According to Karl Albrecht, millions of rich people believe that the secret of their success is their teamwork, which changes the lives of many. Michael Bloomberg, who was a mayor in New York, looked fo...
The nervous person People are alienated from people who deal in a violent, nervous and harsh manner. A person who has a nervous and emotional temper is a domineering person who tries to force his opinions on others and interfere in the affairs of others. He is arrogant and arrogant. The person who is nervous does not listen to the opinions of others, but rather is content with his opinion. He is rigid in thinking and does not accept discussion with anyone because he always considers his opinion to be right and others' opinions wrong. In some cases, the person is insulting and insulting others without taking into account the feelings and feelings of other people. The believer is patient with patience and dreams and controls his temper in anger; because anger indicates that the devil controls this person, and wants him to triumph for himself. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded us to dream, to be patient and to get away from anger. The ...