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How to deal with a nervous person

The nervous person
People are alienated from people who deal in a violent, nervous and harsh manner. A person who has a nervous and emotional temper is a domineering person who tries to force his opinions on others and interfere in the affairs of others. He is arrogant and arrogant. The person who is nervous does not listen to the opinions of others, but rather is content with his opinion. He is rigid in thinking and does not accept discussion with anyone because he always considers his opinion to be right and others' opinions wrong. In some cases, the person is insulting and insulting others without taking into account the feelings and feelings of other people.
The believer is patient with patience and dreams and controls his temper in anger; because anger indicates that the devil controls this person, and wants him to triumph for himself. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded us to dream, to be patient and to get away from anger. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "He is not very fast, but he who is strong in anger."
Ways to deal with a nervous person
There are several ways to deal with a nervous person. These methods are:

  • You must know the psychological and nervous way of thinking before dealing with it, and avoid talking to him at times when he is angry.
  • By sharing and living with a person, a person can tell whether he is angry or not.
  • Before you start talking to a nervous person, you should choose nice and respectful words, and avoid as much as possible provocation and discussion with him sharply, because that will lead to his emotion and nervousness.
  • You should know his style in discussing the topics and dealing with him in the same way and style.
  • When discussing a particular subject and the discussion begins with tension and emotion, it is best to end the discussion, and stay away from it until it calms down.

Ways to treat neural problem
  • It is necessary for a person to come closer to Allaah and to make more supplication, prayer, and seeking forgiveness; for it is comforting the soul, and the person feels safe and secure and saves him from the anxiety and nervousness that he controls.
  • If a person feels angry and unable to take possession of the soul, he must do wudoo 'so that his anger will not be washed except wudoo' and water.
  • Avoid all situations that a person feels are causing him tension and irritability.
  • Try to control your nerves and emotions when you are exposed to any situation that leads to anger.
  • Keep away from repetitive phrases that suggest anger; because all these statements work to lose a person's confidence and lead to constant stress.
