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Affichage des articles du juillet, 2017

How to deal with a nervous person

The nervous person People are alienated from people who deal in a violent, nervous and harsh manner. A person who has a nervous and emotional temper is a domineering person who tries to force his opinions on others and interfere in the affairs of others. He is arrogant and arrogant. The person who is nervous does not listen to the opinions of others, but rather is content with his opinion. He is rigid in thinking and does not accept discussion with anyone because he always considers his opinion to be right and others' opinions wrong. In some cases, the person is insulting and insulting others without taking into account the feelings and feelings of other people. The believer is patient with patience and dreams and controls his temper in anger; because anger indicates that the devil controls this person, and wants him to triumph for himself. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded us to dream, to be patient and to get away from anger. The ...

Poverty and how to eliminate it

Poverty Poverty is one of the greatest challenges facing individuals and communities. Ali bin Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "If poverty is a man to kill him," poverty means the dire need for money, where the individual can buy all the food, He can also obtain decent housing and proper education. The poor person, as defined by the Sharia, is one who does not have the wealth of his day for himself and his children, so Allaah has made them among the eight zakat. Poverty is a great calamity that may be solved by individuals or by society as a whole. Therefore, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) directed us to seek refuge in him because it is a door for the devil to control the human psyche because of the need of adultery and theft and the trade in haraam things and prohibitions. , And fraud among people. The poor countries of today are suffering from security chaos, the spread of crime and vice, because of the great oppression suffere...

اختبار للثقة والجمال عند الفتيات

كيف تخطط لحياتك ولمستقبلك

مبادئ التفكير الإيجابي

المبادئ السبعة للتفكير الايجابي

1.     المشاكل والمعاناة تتواجد فقط في الادراك:ليس الواقع سوى ادراك فلو اردت تغيير واقع حياتك فابدأ بتغيير ادراكك. 2.     لن تتركك المشكلة في المكان الذي وجدتك فيه ستأخذك لاسوأ او لافضل :ليس من المهم ما يحدث لك,ولكن المهم هو ما الذي ستفعله بما يحدث لك. 3.     لا تصبح انت المشكلة..افصل بينك وبين المشكلة :لا يوجد مشكلة مهما كانت صعبة في وقتها ,ولا يستطيع العقل البشري ان يفكر في طريقة حلها . 4.     تعلم من الماضي ..عش في وقت الحاضر ..وخطط للمستقبل :ما الماضي الى حلم ,وما المستقبل الا رؤية,وعيشتكفي الوقت الحاضر بحب تام لله سبحانه وتعالى تجعل من الماضي حلما من السعاده ,ومن المستقبل رؤية من الامل . 5.     هناك حل روحاني لكل المشاكل (ومن يتق الله يجعل له مخرجا ,ويرزقه من حيث لا يحتسب ) 6.     تغيير الافكار بطريقة الاستبدال يغير الواقع ..والفكر الجديد يصنع واقعا جديدا . 7.     لا يغلق الله سبحانه وتعالى بابا الا لكي يفتح باباُ افضل منه :احيانا يغلق الله سبحانه وتعالى امامنا...